Describe the Differences Between Achievement Tests and Aptitude Tests.
Many people would be of the opinion that they mean the same thing. For this assignment students will answer the questions on page 223 in Chapter 10 in Drummond Sheperis and Jones 2016. Tests Intelligence Creativity Achievement And Aptitude Tests Aptitude tests are used to predict the students likelihood to pass or perform in school whereas achievement tests are those that measure what the student has already. . Aptitude test is a test designed to measure an individuals specific skill aptitude or potential. An aptitude test is designed to predict an individuals future performance whereas an achievement test is used to evaluate what a person has learnt. Achievement tests attempt to assess or measure correct knowledge in a specific subject. Provide students with the approximate time to be expende. It is a test that propagates the students achievements and interests hence it is popularly known as achievement tests. At its simp...
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